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SAVE THE DATE! – Grindleford Gallop – 16th March 2024
It feels all a little out of sync as we haven’t done the 2023 Gallop yet (postponed to October 14th due to the heavy snow, race full but a few entries becoming available now and again, no waiting list but please check as entries are released as they become available).
2023 Gallop Postponed
This is what the start line looks like this morning. We are very disappointed to have to announce that the outside chance has happened and due to massive snowfall overnight, way more than anticipated, the Gallop will have to be postponed this year.
A couple of trees have come down overnight blocking local roads, the start line and most of the route is knee deep snow, Morrisons can’t deliver the bread rolls and there’s no parking available in the village as it’s all deep in snowdrifts. All this and more makes for a clear cut decision.
We are talking about what to do next, it’s likely we will defer the race until the Autumn similar to the lockdown year. We will be in touch with details when it’s been decided.
In the meantime, if anyone local can get safely to Grindleford, we’re likely to be selling cake and soup from the pavillion this afternoon…

Gallop 2023 UPDATE
To 2023 Gallopers,
Given that the current forecast is for it to stop snowing around midday tomorrow with a chance of it returning Saturday late afternoon there is excitingly a weather window for the event, so we are planning to go ahead. It is not forecast to be windy but it will be bitterly cold with obviously unusually snowy conditions underfoot. It’s going to be a fun adventure, although we’d be very surprised to see any course records!
There still remains the outside chance that we may have to cancel should the forecast be wrong and it looks likely that the roads become impassable into Saturday. We will avoid this if at all possible, and if it does become necessary will communicate this by email, Facebook and the website.
As we write this trains are running between Manchester and Sheffield and cars are getting to Grindleford from Bakewell and Sheffield, albeit cautiously.
Here are some points we wish you to consider:
- KIT – bring plenty of layers, spare gloves and full waterproofs. We will be checking this at registration so please come to register wearing your FULL kit (you’ll want to be wearing it anyway!).
- We have a couple of small marquees at registration but not enough shelter for everyone so bring a warm coat which you can leave in the kit store.
- Parking – some of the residential roads in Grindleford we usually use will not have been gritted therefore please try to park along the main road. Consider lift sharing or the train to Grindleford.
- The snow is going to slow you down therefore if you wish to change from a runner to a walker and set off earlier (7-9am) let us know at registration. You can still run even if entered as a walker but will have less time pressure. The only downside is the walkers are not eligible for the race prizes.
- Bring more food and water than you would normally. We may not be able to have the food and drinks station at White Rake as it is accessed by a minor road but Hassop and Baslow food stations will be open. We are also not sure our banana delivery will arrive!
- Before committing to each section of the race please consider whether you can happily continue, you are best placed to know your own limits and capabilities. We will endeavour to help withdrawals due to minor injury etc get back to Grindleford but we don’t have mass transport available.
- There is the option of warming up after finishing at the 2 pubs in the village – The Sir William and The Maynard.
- The 10am mass start may be icy and slippery so please take extra care.
We know a lot of people are excited about running in a winter wonderland and we have plenty of hot soup for you at the end.
We hope to see you Saturday, Gallop committee.
Grindleford Gallop 2023 Final Race Details
Please click to see this year’s final race details.
See you on Saturday!
Team Gallop

Last minute entries available!
Race numbers have arrived!
Due to some cancellations we have a handful of entries still available just go to

2023 Buff Design
Check out the new colours for the 2023 Gallop Buff design! You can pre-order one for £6 by clicking this link
The Gallop sold out amazingly fast so thank-you for your support. Due to a technicality with not being able to hold credit card details for more than 3 months we will be opening a waiting list on December 11th.

Entries are open!
Entries for the 2023 Gallop are now open and selling fast so click on to grab yourself a place. This year’s T-shirt design was won by Alice (again) in year 6 – well done!

2022/23 Outside and Rab Winter Race Series
New for 2022/23 we are excited to announce that the Gallop is one of the local trail running events taking part in the Rab and Outside Winter Race Series. This means some excellent prizes from Rab and Outside and more yummy tray bakes from the Outside cafe!